Getting a heart check-up is a simple blood sample procedure which can tell you the health levels of your heart. Mainly, this is focused on cholesterol levels. Having high cholesterol is not a health issue that will display any symptoms, and if left unnoticed it can cause serious medical problems.
However, now you can check your heart health and cholesterol levels conveniently via an at-home heart check-up test. This is a simple blood test that can be taken at home, using instructional guidance. Once the sample is taken, it can be sent away to a lab to be examined. You can receive your results in 5 working days.
Why Is Heart Health So Important?
Your heart is the most powerful functioning muscle in your body. It is vital to keep your heart healthy as it affects our walking, moving, and exercising capabilities. Often, poor heart health symptoms can be ignored, and they are not always obvious. Which is why it is important to take a heart check-up test in order to prevent any medical problems from arising.
High cholesterol can especially lead to severe heart issues that can become life threatening.
What Can High Cholesterol Lead to?
It is important to know the risk factors associated with high cholesterol levels. This can be:
- Heart Disease
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Stroke
- Blood Clots
Finding out your heart health results can not only improve your way of living, but also extends it. It gives you the opportunity to take control of your health and look after your heart by leading a healthier lifestyle.
The Difference Between HDL Cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol
With a home heart check-up, the results will tell you your HDL and LDL levels. So what exactly does this mean?
HDL Cholesterol is known as ‘good’ cholesterol as it plays the role of protecting your heart from any potential diseases. HDL cholesterol will consist of proteins and for women, HDL levels that are considered ‘healthy’ are over 1.2mmol/L and levels over 1.1mmol/L are healthy for men.
LDL Cholesterol is known as ‘bad’ cholesterol as it can add to excessive fatty build up which can block heart arteries. This issue leads to severe heart issues, which is why it is important to know your LDL levels to find out of you are in a high-risk category.
Who Can Be Affected by High Cholesterol?
Anyone can fall victim to high cholesterol levels. Often it can be a result of poor lifestyle habits in terms of food, exercise and alcohol consumption. However, many people can suffer from high cholesterol levels due to family history and genetics.
Weight can also be a factor that may contribute to increasing your heart levels such as obesity. It is important to note that you can decrease your risk of developing high cholesterol levels by following a healthy diet, staying active, not smoking, not drinking alcohol or drinking in moderation. A heart check-up can provide you with the opportunity to be in control of your health.